Logo Kanton Bern / Canton de BerneAmt für Sozialversicherungen

(Online) forms for the obligation to be insured

Would you like to check whether you are required to have insurance in Switzerland or if you can claim an exemption from the obligation to be insured? You will find the relevant (online) forms here.

Online tool - Check your obligation to be insured

If you would like us to check whether you are required to be insured, then complete the following online form.

  • Online tool - Check your obligation to be insured

(Online) forms for the exemption from the obligation to be insured

You will find here the (online) forms required to apply for an exemption from the obligation to be insured. Use the (online) form that applies to your circumstances.

Basic and continuing education and training

If you are undergoing basic or continuing education and training and have a private or student’s health insurance policy, please use the online tool.

Family members not in gainful employment who are resident in an EU/EFTA state who have the right to choose where they are insured (Form B)

If you are a family member resident in an EU/EFTA state who is not working in Switzerland and you have the right to choose where you are insured, please use the form below. Check before submitting the application whether your country of residence allows you to choose where you are insured. You can only apply for an exemption from the obligation to be insured if your country allows you to choose where you are insured.

Mandatory insurance outside EU-/EFTA

If you are compulsorily insured against illness abroad (outside the EU/EFTA) and are living for a limited period in Switzerland or abroad, please use the online tool.

Cross-border commuters

If you are a cross-border commuter who is resident in a country that allows you to choose where you are insured, please use the online tool. Please note that you must submit the application within three months of starting work.

Posted employees

If you have been posted to Switzerland from a contracting state (not an EU/EFTA state) (incl. your family members who are not in working in Switzerland), please use the online tool.

Preferential rights for international organisations

If you (and any family members) previously enjoyed preferential rights under international law had, or if you were posted from a contracting state (not an EU/EFTA state) (incl. any family members), please use the online tool. Please note that you must submit the application within three months of leaving the job concerned (family members: from termination of insurance provided by the international organisation).

Reduced level of insurance cover in Switzerland

If you are privately insured abroad and cannot obtain the same level of supplementary insurance benefits in Switzerland as a result of your age and/or state of health, please use the online tool.

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